Late Winter Studio Update
Hello everyone! Hope all is well. I am back with a lot of art to share. I have been behind the scenes working on a lot of new art. I am now starting to get in production mode.
A few announcements:
I am now an official Associated Member of 6 bridges Gallery in Maynard!
I will be having a gallery exhibit “Viewpoint” starting on April 5th, with the other associated members.
I have several selected works at Gallery Twist in Lexington, for their show “Lasting Impressions” Starting April 21st-May 21st
I will be the Artist of the month at Sarah Bertochi Handmade Store in Hudson, From May 1st-May 21st
I am teaching a 6 week course on block printing in Wayland MA. More info here.
I have new greeting cards, stickers, and prints available!
This year I tried something a little different. Instead of making a design then continuing onto carving and printing, I decided to hold off and come up with several designs then take those and move to carving and printing. I feel like this is a little more efficient than I was before, juggling multiple stages and projects. I also spent more time in the design/creative stage, hopefully coming up with a better designed block. This has taken me longer to complete a block, but now I have several new pieces and several more to come very soon.
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
I recently got a fabulous art book of Franklin Booth, who was an American illustrator and printmaker. I took a lot of inspiration from his art and came up with an idea of merging a block print and mono print. The owl is a Lino block I carved and printed. I wanted to frame the block around a forest scene, so I made a mono print, then went back with color pencil to add some details to the mono print. Finally, I combined the two prints. I really liked how it came out, and it seems to be a great way of combining two types of printmaking. Below is my process of this print.
Lastly, I was browsing Pinterest one night and came across several Arts and Crafts tiles and were amazing! I soon discovered so many different tiles. I decided to try my spin on them and turn them into a block print on colored paper. I will be carving them here over the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading. The chickadee and Barred owl will be in my shop soon. Starting April 5th, I will have work at 6 Bridges Gallery for the associated member show. If you are local come by and check it out!
All my best,