Happy New Year!
Hello and welcome to 2018! I hope you have been having a good start to the new year. I am back after fighting a cold and bad sinus infection, I figured I'll just get being sick out of the way for the rest of the year haha. I have a couple announcement for everyone.
First: My shop is now open!!! All you have to do is click "shop" on the navigation bar. I will also be coming out with my own Etsy shop too, but everything will be the same just broadening my horizons.
Second: I got accepted into my first Juried art fair! It is in Fort Worth Texas at the beginning of March. I will be working hard to get everything ready for that and will have an update and more details closer to the date!
Third: Next week I will have a studio update and share some photography from my friend Jerica. She came to take pictures while I did some printing. here is a sneak peak!
photo credit Stella + G photography
photo credit Stella + G photography
I will be back next week with more! Thank you again, If you want more updates to follow me on Instagram or Facebook below; also sign up for my newsletter! Until next time,