Summers Update
Hello Everyone! it is good to be back! I left you in July at the beginning of summer. It has been a busy summer for me, although I have not done a lot of art. I moved from CT to MA, just about 90 miles away, but this time for good. It was good to take time and explore the New England area before settling. I am happy to say I have very much enjoyed the area I am in, just about 45 minutes from Boston! There are lots of trails around here and I have been running a lot!. With moving, it sucked a lot of time and energy, from packing, and unpacking, to remodeling, Most of July and August were spent working on the house. I am still in the process of painting my studio as I write, HA! But I am feeling more settled and have began making art again and getting back into the swing of things. I had my first and only show of the year last weekend September 27-28 in Lenox MA. The town was very nice and had a socially distant art show, however it was as expected and slow. But it was good to get out and see people and the fall colors around the Berkshires were worth going out there!
I have two prints to show you, both “Great” prints. One I left you last time of the Great Horned Owl which I finished in June, and the other new print of there Great Blue Heron. I have a process video of the Owl, I had a major time crunch for the Heron and didn’t take any process videos for that one but i have pictures.
My goal for the remainder of the year is to keep busy, I have two online classes Ive signed up for, one is to help jumpstart my illustration career and the other in a marketing business class to help my online reach and growth. I also have a few other print ideas and a big project I’m working on.
As a lot of you know this year as been tough for my art business with Covid shutting everything down. However I have found some success! My tortoise and the hare print was featured in The Hand magazine, its a great artist magazine featuring works from Printmakers and Photographers! I also will have an ad in the upcoming winter edition of the Hill magazine. Also fingers crossed I have applied to be apart of the Boston Printmakers Society! I will get word in about 5 weeks or so If I made it in!
One last thing before I go, recently I hit my three year anniversary of this blog and my very first blog post! you can check it out here. All I knew back then is that I wanted to have an avenue to share some of my art. I had no idea I’d be pursuing printmaking and illustration or end up in New England! A lot has happened in three years, I had a lot of growth ands able to go many places along the way. I am very thankful for it all and can’t wait to see where I will be in anther three years.
Fall Prints on sale!